Tag Archives: Inga Ivsan

Florida Supreme Court Erroneously Concedes Constitutional Authority to Regulate the Bar in Godinez-Samperio

INGA IVSAN—In Florida Bd. of Bar Examiners re Question as to Whether Undocumented Immigrants are Eligible for Admission to the Fla. Bar(“Godinez-Samperio”), the Supreme Court of Florida was asked whether an undocumented immigrant was eligible for admission to the Florida Bar. Concluding that a 1996 federal law prevented the State from doing so absent passage […]

The Judge is Supposed to be an Independent Arbiter; Allowing Boundless Judicial Discretion Violates the Sixth Amendment Under Hurst v. Florida

INGA IVSAN—The role of the trial judge in the plea bargaining process is not well defined at common law. Numerous cases cite the wide discretion of a trial judge without further analysis. However, there is a difference between the role of the trial judge in an adversarial system of criminal justice compared to a trial […]