Tag Archives: Gambling Law

Worst Parade Ever? No, it’s the NYC Marathon

SARA KLOCK—To participate in a marathon, it takes endurance, stamina, and lots of food. Frankly, all day Netflix marathons can be exhausting. But for about 80,000 people, their type of marathon does not include sitting on the couch and watching the entire season of House of Cards (Season 4 comes out March 4th). Rather, these […]

FanDuel & DraftKings Partners in Crime: The Government’s Gambling Addiction

TUVIA SANDLER—After a DraftKings employee won $350,000 in a Daily Fantasy Sports contest, the FBI and several states opened investigations into FanDuel and DraftKings, the two leading companies in the industry. In New York, after demanding the companies cease-and-desist operations, Attorney General Eric Schneiderman sued FanDuel and DraftKings alleging that the companies’ business violates the […]