Tag Archives: Ethics

Legal Fixed Income: The Rise of Litigation Financing

DANIEL NARCISO—On January 17, 2017, the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California announced changes to its Standing Order that requires automatic disclosure of third-party funding agreements for proposed class-action lawsuits. In short, the court has made it a requirement that any outside party funding a proposed class action will have to disclose […]

It’s Facebook Official—ABA Releases Ethics Opinion Addressing Attorneys’ Review of Jurors’ Social Media Accounts

BY BRITTANY BROOKS — As the breadth of modern technology and the use of social media grow, the law is forced to grapple with society’s electronic expansion. In the context of professional responsibility, attorneys’ need for direction has become increasingly evident. The public nature of social media and other electronic databases has created new discovery […]

Funny Business Gets Serious: Judge Moreno Orders Ethical Inquiry Into Attorney Who Assisted NCAA With UM Investigation

BY CHRISTINA HIMMEL — Recently, news broke that Chief U.S. District Judge Federico Moreno in the Southern District of Florida began asking questions about the propriety of the relationship between the NCAA and Nevin Shapiro’s bankruptcy attorney, Maria Elena Perez. Specifically, Judge Moreno wants to determine whether the relationship between the NCAA and Perez was […]