Tag Archives: Affordable Care Act

Which Will be Healthier, State or Federal Exchanges: The Looming Implications of King v. Burwell

BY ANDREA NICKERSON — Although the Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (“ACA”) and related statutes in National Federation of Independent Business, it will undoubtedly continue to address issues associated with the actual implementation of the statute. On November 7, the Court granted certiorari for King v. Burwell, […]

Korte v. Sebelius, and Others: Religious Challenges to the Affordable Care Act

BY BRITTANY FORD — Ever since its passage, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (“Affordable Care Act”) has been subject to scores of lawsuits challenging its validity. The recent problems with its initial rollout received scathing reviews and only served to make the Act more controversial. Many critics are still trying to find ways […]