Category Archives: News

California Puts the Ball in the NCAA’s Court with the Fair Pay to Play Act

SAVANNAH PADGETT— On September 30th, California Governor Newsom signed the Fair Pay to Play Act that gives student-athletes the right to use their name, likeness, and image for profit. Starting in January of 2023, when the law goes into effect, student-athletes at California universities will be able to enter into contracts commercializing their identities. The new law does not require universities […]

European Court Does Not Extend Internet Privacy Laws

ESTHER MARIA PONCE DE LEON — On Tuesday, September 24, 2019, the European Court of Justice (ECJ), the European Union’s highest court, declined to extend privacy laws beyond EU member states. In Google v. Commission Nationale de I’informatique et des Libertés (CNIL), the ECJ held that “[t]he operator of a search engine is not required to […]

Turkish Delight: Operation Peace Spring And Its Ramifications For The North Atlantic Treaty Organization

George Bell —  “The parties to this Treaty reaffirm their faith in the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations and their desire to live in peace with all peoples and all governments.” So reads the preamble to the North Atlantic Treaty, which established the largest military peacetime alliance in world history. A […]

UMLR’s Emily Wassermann Nominated as Inductee Speaker at the Florida Supreme Court

Please join us in congratulating UMLR Alumni Emily Wassermann JD’18 on being nominated as the inductee speaker at the October 2nd ceremony for new attorney’s at the Florida Supreme Court in Tallahassee. This honor is reserved for inductees who received some of the highest scores on the most recent Florida Bar Examination. Your UMLR family […]

The Cost of Business: Amazon’s Self-Exposure to Products Liability – Oberdorf v. Amazon

Henry Moreno —On July 3, 2019, The United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit dealt a massive blow to Amazon’s liability armor. In Oberdorf v. Amazon, The Third Circuit reversed summary judgment and held Amazon was susceptible to products liability claims arising from injuries sustained by third-party vendor products. Postured under diversity jurisdiction, […]