Category Archives: Featured

The Constitutional Battle Over Who Has Control of Immigration Policy

AMELIA ANDERSON—Stories concerning immigrants continuously grip local and national media—most recently, with Florida governor Ron DeSantis’s taxpayer-funded flights of asylum-seekers from San Antonio to Martha’s Vineyard. Whatever one’s stance on the matter, it is clear to all that controversy between the right and left over which immigration policy should be followed is not ending anytime soon. […]

303 Creative v. Elenis: The Battle Between Religious Freedom and LGBTQ Rights Continues

GABRIELLA PINZON—This term, the clash between freedom of speech and LGBTQ rights continues as the Supreme Court is slated to hear oral arguments in 303 Creative LLC v. Elenis. The following question is before the Court: Whether applying a public-accommodation law to compel an artist to speak or stay silent violates the Free Speech Clause of the First […]

Pregnant People Caught in the War on Drugs: A Unique Alabama Statute Being Used to Criminally Prosecute Pregnant People for Drug use

LAURA CURRY—Six days after giving birth, Hali Burns was arrested and separated from her newborn and older child. The arrest stemmed from two positive drug tests during her pregnancy, which her attorneys contend were caused by a legal prescription for Subutex, a medicine used to manage opioid addiction and withdrawal, and sinus medication. Burns was held in pretrial […]

The Story of Deficient Data in Federal Healthcare Programs

ELIZABETH HANSEL—Imagine attempting to address decades of disparities and inequities with only one eye open to the problem. That is what the Biden administration is currently attempting to do as it creates healthy equity initiatives through the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (“CMS”). These new initiatives focus on reducing the health disparities within these […]

The Billionaire, the Tech Giant, and the Algorithms Nobody Wants

GABRIELLE ARGIMON—In the Delaware Court of Chancery lies one of the most notorious business lawsuits of our time. In April 2022, multi-billionaire Elon Musk entered into a merger agreement with Twitter, Inc. agreeing to purchase the company at a premium of $44 billion. Less than three months after publicly sharing plans to rid the site of spam and expose […]