Category Archives: Analysis

Kain Colter Wins the First Quarter

BY STEVEN L. WILLBORN — Kain Colter won the first quarter. Colter, a quarterback, is trying to unionize the Northwestern football team. A Regional Director of the National Labor Relations Board (“Board”) recently determined that Colter was an “employee” under the National Labor Relations Act (“NLRA”) and ordered an election to determine if the team wants […]

Winning a Seat at the Table: A Multi-Faceted Approach to Latino Political Representation in Orlando

BY STEVEN STRICKLAND — Professor Louis Rulli’s law review article, On the Road to Civil Gideon, asks what method civil rights advocates should use to establish a right to counsel in certain civil proceedings. The “Civil Gideon” campaign for a civil right to counsel draws its name from Gideon v. Wainwright, the landmark civil rights case that held that a […]

It’s Facebook Official—ABA Releases Ethics Opinion Addressing Attorneys’ Review of Jurors’ Social Media Accounts

BY BRITTANY BROOKS — As the breadth of modern technology and the use of social media grow, the law is forced to grapple with society’s electronic expansion. In the context of professional responsibility, attorneys’ need for direction has become increasingly evident. The public nature of social media and other electronic databases has created new discovery […]

McCutcheon v. FEC: More Money in Politics, Less Integrity in Democracy?

BY STEVEN SWARTZ — The United States Supreme Court issued a ruling this month in McCutcheon v. Federal Election Commission that allows money to play a larger role in political campaigns. The plaintiff, Shaun McCutcheon, is a wealthy Alabama businessman and contributor to the Republican Party. He wanted to donate more than the decades-old aggregate limit […]

The Florida Supreme Court Makes a Ruling Using Local University Student Handbook; Says to SCOTUS, “Don’t Tase Me, Bro!”

BY CRAIG TOMPKINS — The Florida Supreme Court, along with several other state supreme courts, over the past twenty years, has attempted to push back against the Supreme Court of the United States’ (“SCOTUS”) precedent on arbitration clauses. As a preliminary matter, the Federal Arbitration Act (“FAA”), as decided by SCOTUS over 40 years ago, […]