Author Archives: Hanna Burt

Interview with Senior Writing Editor: Madison Hauser

Volume 76 Senior Writing Editor Madison Hauser has been instrumental in setting up the 2021 Writing Competition. Read her interview below for advice on how to prepare for the competition and pitfalls to avoid. Q: How does the Writing Competition show who is and isn’t a good candidate for UMLR membership? What traits are you looking for […]

Facebook, Inc. v. Duguid: The Challenges of Regulating Rapidly Changing Technology

HANNA BURT—The Supreme Court’s recent decision in Facebook, Inc. v. Duguid highlighted the growing gap between law and technology and revealed how the Court’s narrow interpretation of regulatory statutes can exacerbate this divide. The rapid advancement of technology contrasts sharply with the slow evolution of law. As a result, it is estimated that law is […]