Announcing the Inaugural Edition of UMLR’s Online Companion, Caveat

The University of Miami Law Review Volume 69 is pleased to announce publication of the inaugural edition of its online companion, University of Miami Law Review Caveat. The online companion is intended to serve as a supplement to the print edition, allowing for timely legal debates and discussions. Caveat will host debates between respected scholars on current controversies, responses to scholarly articles published by the University of Miami Law Review, and short essays.

The first edition of Caveat features two responses to John B. Kirkwood’s, Collusion to Control a Powerful Customer, published in Issue 1 of Volume 69. Professor Tom Campbell wrote a riveting response analyzing limitations of Professor Kirkwood’s hypothesis, while Professors Robert D. Blair and Wenche Wang put Professor Kirkwood’s hypothesis to paper creating models to explain his theory.

Responses to Issue 3 will be published Caveat in Summer 2015. If you are interested in being published in Caveat, please review our online submissions page.

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