Volume 68, Issue 2

2013 SYMPOSIUM ISSUE: Social Media and the Law

Masthead and Table of Contents

Keynote Address
by John G. Browning


Our Copyright Code: Continue Patching or Start Rewriting?
by Honorable Edward J. Damich

The Digital Death Conundrum: How Federal and State Laws Prevent Fiduciaries from Managing Digital Property
by James D. Lamm, Christina L. Kunz, Damien A. Riehl & Peter John Rademacher

Pinterest and Copyright’s Safe Harbors for Internet Providers
by Michael W. Carroll

The Social Media Frontier: Exploring a New Mandate for Competence in the Practice of Law
by Jan L. Jacobowitz & Danielle Singer

Why Can’t We Be Friends? Judges’ Use of Social Media
by John G. Browning


Laying Your Online Self to Rest: Evaluating the Uniform Fiduciary Access to Digital Assets Act
by Samantha D. Haworth

Has the Quest to Quelch Piracy Gone Too Far?: Government Overreach in Forfeiture of Linking Websites
by Freddi Mack

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