Tag Archives: Gender

Despite Advancements, Female Lawyers Still Trail Men In Advancement, Compensation

BY CUSHLA TALBUT — In the 1873 case of Bradwell v. Illinois, Justice Joseph Bradley famously held that the Illinois Bar was within its rights to deny admission to a woman, Myra Bradwell, solely on the basis of her gender. In an infamous and oft-quoted passage, Justice Bradley pondered the role of women and the […]

Murderer’s Sex Change: Cruel, Or Just Unusual?

BY KELLY HEARD — When the Honorable Mark L. Wolf, a Massachusetts District Court judge, recently handed down a landmark ruling that Massachusetts taxpayers must foot the bill for a prisoner’s gender reassignment surgery, outrage ensued. Senator Scott Brown referred to the ruling as “an outrageous abuse of taxpayer dollars.” Brown’s opponent and Harvard Law School professor Elizabeth […]