Category Archives: Caveat

Challenging Racial Injustice in the Criminalization of Homelessness in the United States: a Human Rights Approach

DAVID BERRIS,* JOSEPH CANDELARIA,** TAMAR EZER,*** LILY FONTENOT**** & JESSICA SANTOS***** 75 U. Mia. L. Rev. Caveat 116 (2020). PDF Version The criminalization of homelessness in the United States perpetuates a cycle of racial injustice and violates fundamental human rights. Longstanding discrimination in housing and law enforcement have resulted in disproportionate homelessness among Black Americans. […]

Or Does it Explode? White Supremacy, Dominion, and the West Coast on Fire

HANNAH GORDON* 75 U. Mia. L. Rev. Caveat 86 (2020). PDF Version The many catastrophes of the year of (y)our Lord 2020 included protests for racial equality and a particularly vicious fire season on the West Coast. This brief Article argues that the two are, in fact, closely connected. In the 1800’s, California outlawed indigenous practices […]

Petty Offenses Symposium Synopsis

TAMAR EZER & DAVID STUZIN The coronavirus has surfaced inequalities in our society, where poor and marginalized communities are particularly vulnerable to infection and denial of care. In this context, the criminalization of poverty and marginalization can be deadly. In the Fall of 2019, the Human Rights Clinic at the University of Miami (“UM”) School of […]

The Inadequacies of Tinkering: Unmeetable Promises and Failed Incrementalism in U.S. “Prostitution Diversion Programs”

POONAM DARYANI,* ALICE M. MILLER,** & ANN SARNAK*** 75 U. Mia. L. Rev. Caveat 76 (2020). PDF Version Response to Kate Mogulescu, “Your Cervix is Showing: Loitering for Prostitution Policing as Gendered Stop & Frisk.” Introduction Kate Mogulescu’s article, “Your Cervix is Showing: Loitering for Prostitution Policing as Gendered Stop & Frisk” (“‘Your Cervix is Showing’”), […]