Category Archives: Law Review members

Debt Forever

BRANDON SIMON—Our parents instructed us to go to school and get a job. They said it was a wise investment that would pay off at the end of the day. They told us we need a college degree to get a job. An even heavier proposition is what our parents failed to tell us: our […]

“More Bark than Bite”? A.G. Sessions’ Promise to Return to Marijuana Enforcement

FILIP GRZELAK—As of January 2018, use of marijuana—either medical or recreational—is legal in 29 states and in the District of Columbia. However, under the federal law, possession of marijuana remains illegal and punishable by jail and monetary fines. In 2009, the Obama Administration decided it would not interfere with state marijuana laws, thereby limiting the […]

Lowering Your Academic Standards is Your Problem, Not the NCAA’s

BRYAN WALSH—After a long, drawn out investigation that left the Tar Heels wallowing in purgatory for over three years, the NCAA made its decision on the University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill Basketball scandal on October 13, 2017. In the proceedings leading up to the final judgment, the University admitted that it had administered […]

Firing Employees for Union Activity Isn’t Always Against the Law

SHAWN WRIGHT—Imagine showing up to work one morning at your satellite office and the doors being locked. Whether you are a lawyer, doctor, professor, or salesman, you would likely be shocked at the letter posted on the door from your boss to employees and customers that reads, “[Company Name] has closed. I have decided to […]

Equal Access in the Digital Age: Does the ADA Apply in Cyberspace?

MAYA FRUCHT—The internet is an integral part of society. With the assistance of screen reader software, the legally blind or visually impaired can use websites to the same degree as everyone else. However, many websites are inaccessible with this software. Under Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), “[n]o individual shall […]