Author Archives: Samuel Wardle

About Samuel Wardle

University of Miami Law Review Website Editor

Citizens Who?: Delaware Statute Provides New Tool For Corporate Disclosure of Political Spending

BY BRENDAN RYAN — Proponents of increased transparency for political spending by corporations may have discovered a new tactic in their battle to offset the impact of Citizens United: § 220 of Delaware General Corporation Law. On February 22, Qualcomm Inc., the country’s largest maker of computer chips for mobile devices, agreed to disclose additional […]

Funny Business Gets Serious: Judge Moreno Orders Ethical Inquiry Into Attorney Who Assisted NCAA With UM Investigation

BY CHRISTINA HIMMEL — Recently, news broke that Chief U.S. District Judge Federico Moreno in the Southern District of Florida began asking questions about the propriety of the relationship between the NCAA and Nevin Shapiro’s bankruptcy attorney, Maria Elena Perez. Specifically, Judge Moreno wants to determine whether the relationship between the NCAA and Perez was […]

Detroit’s Financial Crisis Sparks New Scrutiny of Michigan Receivership Law

BY MICK ERLANDSON — On March 14th, Michigan Governor Rick Snyder selected Kevyn Orr, a bankruptcy attorney at Jones Day, to become the most high profile emergency manager to date, assuming nearly autocratic control over the municipality of Detroit.  The controversial move is intended to help the dire financial situation of the city, which sits […]

Can You “Friend” Your Judge? Florida’s Highest Court Will Decide

BY BRIAN SCHMELKIN — The Florida Supreme Court is expected to decide an extremely pertinent issue that has arisen as a result of the social networking wave: Can a judge preside over a case in which one of the attorneys is the judge’s Facebook “friend”? In Domville v. Florida, the Fourth District Court of Appeals […]

Judge Marcia Cooke Strikes Down Florida’s “Firearms Owners’ Privacy Act”; State Appeals

BY SCOTT SQUIRES — In 1983, the American Academy of Pediatrics (“AAP”) implemented “The Injury Prevention Program” (“TIPP”). TIPP provides pediatricians with safety counseling guidelines to discuss with patients and parents. A quick read through the guidelines provides a crash course in Parenting 101: secure the car seat, install gates on stairways and pools, keep […]