Author Archives: Stern, Justin M

The Unspoken Others: Reframing the Gun Violence Debate in Terms of Public Health

JEAN PHILLIP SHAMI—Framing is critical. In the aftermath of the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, Americans across the country of differing views expressed their thoughts, prayers, and opinions concerning the shooting. Millions across the country joined together to march for more gun control in the United States.And with the emotions and advocacy came […]

No Good Deed Goes Unpunished: The $7,500 Tax Credit and Tesla’s Production Paradox

LANCE MAYNARD—Automation issues. Production bottlenecks. Contractors moving at the pace of “drunken sloth[s].” Just a few of the many complications that have frustrated Tesla’s efforts to meet its Model 3 production targets. Although delays associated with the highly-anticipated sedan were always expected (due in part to Tesla Chairman and CEO Elon Musk’s lofty, perhaps unrealistic […]

Is Attorney-Client Privilege Dead?: The FBI’s Raid of Michael Cohen’s Office and His Communications with President Trump

MICHAEL ZILBER—On April 9th, FBI agents—upon referral by special counsel Robert Mueller to the United States Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York—raided Michael Cohen’s office. Cohen, President Trump’s longtime attorney, is currently being investigated for bank fraud, wire fraud, and campaign finance violations. As part of its raid, the FBI seized Cohen’s […]

Media and Telecom: Vertical Mergers and the Regulatory Road Ahead

BOBBY RENZI—On October 22, 2016, AT&T and Time Warner agreed to a $108.7 billion merger. Over one year later, the U.S. Justice Department filed a civil antitrust lawsuit to block the merger. The case is now in trial before Judge Richard Leon in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia. The outcome of the […]

MLB’s “Cold Stove”: Not a Result of Collusion, but a Potential Cause of Future Labor Strife

SAMUEL STONE—This past winter, Major League Baseball’s (MLB) offseason “hot stove”—traditionally characterized by a flurry of lucrative free agent signings surrounding December’s Winter Meetings—was uncharacteristically cold. As spring training approached and an unprecedented number of high-profile free agents remained unsigned, the Major League Baseball Players Association (MLBPA) held its own spring training camp for the […]