Author Archives: admin

Inconsistency in Antitrust

BY RAMSI A. WOODCOCK — When the price of a good is too high, consumers who can afford to pay cost, including enough profit to make production worth the manufacturer’s while, but cannot pay enough to meet the high price, are forced to do without. Economics teaches that efficiency would increase if price were to […]

Does the Individual Mandate Coerce?

BY RAPHAEL BOLESLAVSKY & SERGIO J. CAMPOS — The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act includes an individual mandate that penalizes individuals who do not purchase health insurance. Critics of this individual mandate, including a majority of justices on the Supreme Court, contend that Congress cannot use its Commerce Clause power to coerce individuals to […]

Supermarkets in India: Struggles over the Organization of Agricultural Markets and Food Supply Chains

BY AMY J. COHEN — This article analyzes the conflicts and distributional effects of efforts to restructure food supply chains in India. Specifically, it examines how large retail corporations are presently attempting to transform how fresh produce is produced and distributed in the “new” India — and efforts by policymakers, farmers, and traders to resist […]

FUTURLAWMA: 21st Century Solutions to 31st Century Problems

BY JUSTIN S. WALES — Having been inadvertently frozen in a cryogenic chamber for 1,000 years, Philip J. Fry finds himself facing the all-too-common fictional dilemma of adjusting to life in the distant future. Unequipped for the 31st Century, Fry joins the rag-tag group of humans, mutants, robots, Martians, and anthropomorphic crustaceans that work for […]

SCOTUS To Weigh Denial of Hearing to Contest Pretrial Asset Seizures Against the Fifth Amendment Due Process Clause

BY LINDSAY ADKIN — The United States Government deposited more than $4.2 billion in its asset forfeiture fund during the 2012 fiscal year. That was more than double what the Government deposited in each of the two previous years. Asset forfeiture became a common practice after Congress first passed asset forfeiture statutes in the 1970s. […]