Author Archives: admin

How Close a “Connection” is Required to File a State-Law Securities Fraud Class Action Lawsuit?

BY ERIN FITZGERALD — On October 7, 2013, the Supreme Court heard oral argument in Chadbourne & Parke LLP v. Samuel Troice, in which the Court is expected to clarify the scope of preclusion under the Securities Litigation Uniform Standards Act (“SLUSA”) of state-law securities fraud class actions.  Chadbourne, representing three consolidated cases arising from […]

Colorado High School Shooting Calls for Reflection on the Status of Gun Control

BY DAVE COULTER — On December 13, 2013, terror gripped a community already scarred by tragic gun violence. In just 80 seconds, a lone gunman entered Arapahoe High School, shot a fellow student point blank with a shotgun, set fire to the library with a Molotov cocktail, and then took his own life. The sole […]

An Alarming Situation: Handling an Evacuation During a Final Exam

BY JENNA FELDMAN — On November 12, 2013, a fire alarm rang loudly at the University of Sydney, forcing 450 law students to abandon their Corporate Law final exam. This exam, as with many other law school finals, would constitute the students’ complete semester grade. The University told the students that they must leave their […]

Korte v. Sebelius, and Others: Religious Challenges to the Affordable Care Act

BY BRITTANY FORD — Ever since its passage, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (“Affordable Care Act”) has been subject to scores of lawsuits challenging its validity. The recent problems with its initial rollout received scathing reviews and only served to make the Act more controversial. Many critics are still trying to find ways […]

2+2=5: The Growing Distaste for Math and Science in the Legal Profession, and the Consequences that Flow Therefrom

BY MAXIMILIAN VISKI-HANKA — “The context in which [science and technology] issues arise varies widely, but generally they share one characteristic: They challenge the ability of judges and juries to comprehend the issues—and the evidence—and to deal with them in informed and effective ways. As a result, they tend to complicate the litigation, increase expense […]