Author Archives: admin

The Supreme Court’s Forthcoming Decision in American Broadcasting Companies, Inc. v. Aereo, Inc. Will Reshape the Television Broadcast Industry

BY ERIN SALES — The area of law that governs the entertainment industry will soon find itself in the legal limelight. On January 10, 2014, the Supreme Court of the United States granted certiorari to hear a case between television broadcasters that own copyrighted programs and Aereo, a commercial retransmission enterprise. This case presents the […]

Zero Tolerance Policies in Florida Schools: Shifting from Incapacitation to Rehabilitation

BY KARLA ALBITE — The Florida system of juvenile justice has achieved a reputation of being highly punitive thanks to its “Tough Love” policy.  This reputation has developed through the state’s zero tolerance approach to school discipline.  Under a zero tolerance regime, any infraction, regardless of the severity, is penalized, and there need be no […]

Pinterest and Copyright’s Safe Harbors for Internet Providers

BY MICHAEL W. CARROLL — Has the time come to substantially revise the Copyright Act to better adapt the law to the ever-evolving digital environment? A number of influential sources appear to think so. If their initiatives gain momentum, it will be important to consider lessons learned from the first such effort fifteen years ago […]

The Digital Death Conundrum: How Federal and State Laws Prevent Fiduciaries from Managing Digital Property

BY JAMES D. LAMM, CHRISTINA L. KUNZ, DAMIEN A. RIEHL & PETER JOHN RADEMACHER — The digital world is a popular place these days. In its fourth quarter of 2012, Facebook reported 618 million daily users. In fiscal year 2012, Google reported 235 million active users across its properties (e.g., Gmail and YouTube); Activision Blizzard […]