Petty Offenses Symposium Special Issue




Prefatory Pages


Forward: Addressing the Criminalization of Poverty and Marginalization
by Tamar Ezer, Franco Piccinini, & David Stuzin


Litigating to Protect the Rights of Poor and Marginalized Groups in Urban Spaces
by Anneke Meerkotter

Your Cervix is Showing: Loitering for Prostitution Policing as Gendered Stop & Frisk
by Kate Mogulescu

Regulating Cleanups of Homeless Encampments
by Stephen J. Schnably


“Homeless and Hungry, Please Help!”: A Constitutional Right to Communicate Messages of Need
by Kirsten Anderson

Taking Advantage of Political Processes to Challenge the Use of “Idle and Disorderly” Offenses to Police Sexuality in Uganda
by Adrian Jjuuko & Justine Balya

Sticky Colonial Criminal Laws
by Tracy Robinson

Walking While Trans: Policing Women’s Sexuality
by Roman Rodriguez-Tejera

The Inadequacies of Tinkering: Unmeetable Promises and Failed Incrementalism in U.S. “Prostitution Diversion Programs”
by Poonam Daryani, Alice M. Miller, & Ann Sarnak

Additional Resources

Petty Offenses Symposium Synopsis
by Tamar Ezer & David Stuzin

The Price of Justice: Fines, Fees and the Criminalization of Poverty in the United States
by Lisa Foster (published with the University of Miami Race and Social Justice Law Review)

Challenging Racial Injustice in the Criminalization of Homelessness in the United States: A Human Rights Approach
by David Berris, Joseph Candelaria, Tamar Ezer, Lily Fontenot & Jessica Santos (published with the University of Miami Law Review Caveat)

The Promotion of the General Welfare: Using the Spending Clause to End the Criminalization of Homelessness in America
by David Stuzin (published with the University of Miami Law Review)

Challenging Domestic Injustice Through International Human Rights Advocacy: Addressing Homelessness in The United States
by Tamar Ezer, Eric Tars, David Stuzin, Melanie Ng, and Conor Arevalo (published with the Cardozo Law Review)

Petty Offenses Symposium Website