Volume 67 Article Cited in Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals Dissent

The Massachusetts Appellate Division (as referenced in our previous news story) is not the only court to recognize the scholarly authority of the University of Miami Law Review. The Honorable Judge Andre M. Davis of the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit recently cited a Volume 67 article in his dissent in United States v. Carthorne, 726 F.3d 503, 523 (4th Cir. 2013). Judge Davis cites Dustin D. Berger’s “Moving Toward Law: Refocusing the Federal Courts’ Plain Error Doctrine in Criminal Cases” for its proposition that courts should reformulate the plain error test to be more exacting, explicit, and–in Judge Davis’s words–“enlightened.” The University of Miami Law Review is proud to be a source of legal scholarship that is relied upon by respected jurists of all levels.

Special thanks to Volume 67 Editor-in-Chief Richard Rosengarten (J.D. ’13) for bringing this citation to our attention.

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