UMLR Article Cited in Massachusetts Appellate Decision

A scholarly article featured in University of Miami Law Review, Volume 64, Issue 1, was recently cited by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Appellate Division in the case Rolivia, Inc. v. Emporium Nostrum, Inc., No. 13-ADMS-10013 (Nov. 7, 2013). The article, “The Short Arm of the Law: Simplifying Personal Jurisdiction Over Virtually Present Defendants” by Allyson W. Haynes (now Allyson Haynes Stuart), was cited as authority for its discussion of the application of state long-arm statutes, used to obtain personal jurisdiction over non-resident businesses, in the internet context. Read the article, as published in the Law Review, on the author’s SSRN page.

Special thanks to Miami Law alumnus Michael Marshall (J.D. ’09)–who won the appeal on behalf of Emporium Nostrum–for bringing this citation to our attention.

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